Monday, May 20, 2013

What do you think?

What is more important, a religious tradition or the protection of and endangered specie?


  1. I think that the solution that the government is taking into account is very good way of protecting the species. Instead of using palm leaves we can use fake ones to protect the specie. In this days it is more important to protect an endangered species than to follow a religous tratidion that it isn´t going to afect anyone.

  2. It is more important to protect the specie than the religious traditions. This religious tradition is killing a living thing, this is doing completly the opposite that a religion would ever want to.

    we can protect this animal by declaring it a safe zone and no other person could get in until this animal is no more in risk.

    very good blog, images, and organization.

  3. I think that is more important to preserve the specie that to continue a religius tradition that consists in killing a living thing.
    The blog is really nice and complete information.

  4. I think both are very important and both should help each other, specially the religiuous people to the parrot because they are the ones who do more damage, as parrots respect them, they shoulld also respect the parrots, they should have a good relationship. Both have the same importance.

  5. Your blog has complete information and interesting. You should place the sources of information at the end of the blog

  6. What is more important, a religious tradition or the protection of and endangered specie?
    - It is more important the endangered of a species, because an animal wouldnot exist any more only because of a religious tradition that isnt inmportant. Our descendant would not be able to see and enjoy the animal.

    I like a lot you presentation, is realy entretainment with many pictures and good information

  7. I think it is more important to perserve a species than to perform a tradition. We are talking about life.

  8. it is much more important to protect the specie than a religious tradition that goes against the habitat of living organism.

    your blog is very good but you should put more pictures to make the blog more interesting. the rest is very good and complete.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. It is more important to control the specie. I even think that the church is being very irrelevant because they claim to love life, but they aren´t proving it. If church really love life and all the species created by god, they should be the ones who protect it and prevent their extinction, no the ones who promote it.

  11. It is more important the specie than the religious tradition.
    The blog information is good.
    The design and picture are good

  12. I think that the religous tradition should be respected, but also the species. So I think, that the people of that religion and the government should get into an agreement and find a solution so that the cultural tradition can be performed without hurting the species in the way the tradition is doing it today.
    -Alejandra B :)

  13. I think that the survival of the species is very important and more important than a religious tradition. Therefore there should be certain protection of this species and of their habitat.

    A possible solution would be to explain people why they cannot cut many trees for their religious rituals and to plant some palm trees that are intended to be used in this ritual. The government should also prohibit the cut of the palm trees for any reason.

    The blog is really nice and really enjoyable. Nevertheless the title is a bit awkward and it would be nicer to change it for another name. The background is nice

  14. I think that all species are much more important than a religious tradition, specially, if there are simple and easy solutions like using other types of branches.

    A solution may be to restrict the cut of palms, like allowing certain people to cut a certain amount of this trees. Also, for the religious traditions, it is helpful to explain this problem to the high powers of the church and probably they can do something about it.

    I think the blog is really complete, the design is clear although maybe you could improve the structure like putting the sources at the end. I think, in general, you did a very good job with complete information.

    Laura Castro

  15. Is more important to protect the specie than a religious tradition, specialy if the species is in danger.

    Other way to protect the specie could be to give this information to the people by tv show, a section in the newa, an article in the news paper, amog others. This way people would get the message and would look for other tree to do their religiuos tradition.

    Your information is very complete. In general your blog is very good, is colourful and has many pictures.

  16. In this case, the preservation of an endanger specie is more important than a religious tradition because we are talking of the life from a living organism which feels. I think that the solutions that proposed the Government are good but the Government needs to have more presence in this problem, so they need to create certain policies that protect the palm trees and like that the life of this specie. The Blog has good information, very clear and with the essential elements, nice pictures and very organize.

  17. people should not even question to overpose the life of a species just to keep a religious tradition, therefor its priorital to stabilize the environment of the specie and then worry for the religious tadition. the government shoul seccure the wax palms and punish harder people who hunt and cut theese tree.
    the information is complete, but you should have included more pictures and organized the information from the basic to the more complex.

  18. I think that the animal preservetion is more important that the religous tradition becuase is the life of a living organism.I think that to protect the animal they must put more trees .Also put laws or punish the ones who cut this trees.

  19. I think your blog is organize and the information is good and clear but you should put more images.

  20. I think its more important to protect the species because its the survival of a living organism that we should protect, they could use other type of plants for this celebration without using this plants protecting in this way this parrot. Also with places that protect this species making them interbreed.
