Monday, May 20, 2013


The Ognorhynchus icterotis, mostly known as the Yellow-eared Parrot, Its taxonomic classification is:  kingdom:Animalia >> Phylum; Chordata >> Class; Aves >> Order: Psittaciformes >> Family: Psittacidae >> Genre: Ognorhynchus >> specie:Ognorhynchus icterotisIts green in the dorsal area, yellow on the ears, front and cheeks. Its head is big, according to its proportions,and has a prominent and black peak.  it has a red or red-like tail and the rest of the body, from the neck to the tail are yellow-like green. The yellow-eared parrot, measures approximately 42 cm long and is an Andean species. It gets its name because of the yellow stripe that goes all along the front and both sides of its head. Its dorsal feathers are dark green, its belly light green, while the tail feathers are coffee-colored.


  1. your blog is complete and very interesting. I only suggest to organize the information better. For example you could say what is the problem and then say what is the government doing about it, and you could also put the sources of information at the end, or else people could get confused.
    The desing is very nice, I like it. maybe you could include more pictures. Nice job :)

  2. I think that the design is regular, it could improve. On the other hand, the information is desorganized and the tittle is not clear. But it is complete.
    -Alejandra B :)

  3. Your blog is complete. It is organized and interesting. The pictures are well selected and you explained the topic very well.

  4. What is more important, a religious tradition or the protection of and endangered species?
    Both things are very important, because each person can support any topic, according to their interests and their specific reasons. But in a case that not only the specie is going to extinct but also the plant, so it is important to find a solution, so that the specie and even the church would be affected.
    In these situations, the best solution is, in the first part that the church which uses the wax palms for their traditions, search another type of plant, which wouldn’t affect any specie and that is not endangered. And in the second part that experts tried to find another type of plant where the Ognorhynchus icterotis can live, so they wouldn’t be affected by the extinction of the wax palms.
    Your content is very complete and enjoyable felicitations. My comment would be to organize the order of your information, because the sources of information are at the beginning, and they are supposed to be at the end; also the first thing you said is how the government protected the species, without even describing the species, for us to know how it is. Your design is very enjoyable and the photos are very great. In general your blog is pretty good.

  5. Answer to the question: It is more important to protect the wax palm to protect the yellow eared parrot and the palm itself because the religios tradition could be developed using other palms, trees or fake trees as you suggested.

    Ideas to protect the species: It is important to continue making people aware of the important of the wax palm for the parrots and to plant more of these palms in natural reservoirs and in this way attempt to restore the parrot's natural population.

    Feedback: Your blog has a complete information and the images are very nice, although, as the previous comments has suggested, you should organize better the information so that it is easier and more enjoyable to read.

  6. I think that the blog design is good and beautiful (good picture and structure) and the information is complete an enjoyable to read, but the organization could improve (for example the title should be the name of te species, because it is confusing)

  7. the disign of the blog is good and the information you provide also, for the ansewr of the question it is more important the prootection of the specie rather than the religious tradition
