Monday, May 20, 2013


Importance: The Ognorhynchus icterotis, is very important for the reproduction chain of the wax palm, Ceroxylon quindiuense, because the bird disperses the palm’s seeds. This is very important taking into account that the palm Ceroxylon quindiuense is also endangered, it is only found on Colombia’s central and southern mountainous areas, mostly on the department of Antioquia.


  1. I think is much more important the protection of the species becuase in the ramos can be creates in an artificial way and continue the traditions.
    An idea for prottecting it can be making a law that prohibid the extarction of the branches of the palm.
    Your blog is beautifull and nice, however you need to re organize it because is much more understandable if the conflict is first than the possible solutions.
    BY:Sofia Grcia-herreros.

  2. Controvertial Question:
    I think that it is very important to preserve thes two species, instead of preserving a cultural tradition, but you are suggesting solutions to the problem. So I think that this question isn't very controvertial, because there are other strategies to preserve the tradition and the government is protecting the palm and the parrot.

    Ideas to Protect the Species:
    I think that the government should continue making plans to preserve the palm and the parrot, but also to generate ecologic awareness in people's mentality, so that they start using other types of plants or materials to prserve their religious tradition as well.

    Content: You did an excelent job, but you have to take into account the correct structure of the sentences, so that they preserve their sence. Also, I would like you to go deeper in the descriptions.

    Design: I liked your design, because it has appropiate pictures for the context, generating a clear environment, but I think that the title is not appropiate, because you did the blog to understan "Preservation", not to criticize humans.

    Camilo Mendoza Zamudio.
